Tag Archives: pangolin pup

The Pangolin Diaries – Part 2

Rampfy the pangolin - the pangolin diaries

Following Part 1 of our pangolin diaries we started the story of pangolin survivor Rampfy – the first of four pangolins whose rehabilitation will be sponsored by The Boucher Legacy. Now in part 2 of our story Rampfy continues to get healthier and more playful before being released back into the wild. Alexis Kriel, Director…

The Pangolin Diaries: Rampfy

As a follow on from our story on the plight of the pangolin we are pleased to share with you the story of pangolin survivor Rampfy whose recovery has been managed by the African Pangolin Working Group and the Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital (JWVH) . Rampfy is the first of four pangolins whose rehabilitation will…