01 Dec
  • By The Boucher Legacy

Help Us Protect Precious Wildlife This Festive Season

As the festive season approaches, our hearts are filled a little extra with joy, compassion, and a desire to make a difference. It’s a time of giving, a time of unity, and a time to share our blessings. At The Boucher Legacy, we are asking you, our dedicated supporters, to help us protect and preserve endangered mammals – your gift is a beacon of hope. Here are some of the ways your support directly impacts our conservation efforts. 

We are committed to the safe relocation of African wild dogs, as well as collaring, snare removals, distemper, and rabies check-ups. We’re proud to have collared over 40 packs in the greater Kruger National Park, enabling us to monitor their movements, rescue them when they venture beyond park boundaries, and remove horrific snares.

Our rhino tracking and protection programme is equally as vital. We’re actively expanding a comprehensive DNA database, collaborating with experts on rhino collaring, tracking, dehorning, and extending support to rhino orphans who’ve lost their mothers.

The pangolin, the world’s most trafficked mammal, has found an ally in us. Our pioneering Pangolin Project encompasses pangolin rehabilitation, release back into their natural habitat, and advanced telemetry tracking. We’ve successfully rehabilitated numerous pangolins and continue to track them via telemetry units after their release into the wild.

Let us extend the warmth and love of the festive season to these remarkable mammals that share our Earth. Your donation to The Boucher Legacy is not just a gift – it’s a lifeline for the wildlife that depends on our protection. Be a part of a legacy of change – click the donate button, and together, we can make this season of giving truly special for both humans and animals alike.


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