The Boucher Legacy was founded out of a genuine appreciation for wildlife and the urgency of preserving our natural heritage. It is for similar reasons that every year, on the 22nd of September, the world celebrates World Rhino Day and Elephant Appreciation Day. While various conservation groups have fought alongside side us in combating the rapid decline of Africa’s gentle giants, coverage of rhinos and elephants has been dominated by alarming figures and horrific images to bring attention to their plight. Although this is needed, our focal point for this day is sharing information on how you can help protect our precious pachyderm friends.
Our efforts are focused on the tracking and protection of endangered mammals of which rhinos and elephants are two of the key species that we support extensively are two of the key species that we support extensively. Our program is focused on finding innovative technology to monitor the movement of these endangered species and to continue to check on their well-being and safety as a key measure of ensuring their ongoing sustainability.
You don’t have to be on the ground to be a conservation champion. The more people know about rhinos and elephants, the higher the chances of survival are for these special mammals. Keep informed – share facts and photographs of elephants and rhinos using #WorldRhinoDay and #ElephantAppreciationDay and help create awareness. You can also join our fight by leaving a legacy or donating directly to the Boucher Legacy.
Help change the future of our endangered mammals before it’s too late.