Tag Archives: Africa


World Pangolin Day encourages us to honour our precious pangolins. Whether it’s through raising awareness or giving to pangolin conservation efforts, every little bit counts. 

Thank you for your support!

Everyday we are amazed by the generosity and goodwill of people in South Africa and around the world who want to help us in our mission to save Africa’s threatened animals.

The latest rhino numbers 2019

rhino poaching statistics

A new report from the International Rhino Foundation gives insight into the real numbers of the world rhino population over the last decade.

The Plight of the Pangolin

“We can’t individually save the world, but we can try and save one species.” – Professor Ray Jansen, Chairman of African Pangolin Working Group Wise old man of the bush The Pangolin – the venerable ‘wise old man’ of the African bush – is said to be a totem of good luck and the bringer…

Living with rhinos

This article was taken from Michelle Sole’s blog about her experience at the Rhino Orphanage in 2015: Poachers often target female rhinos as they tend to have larger horns than males (males wear their horns down when fighting). The majority of the time an adult female has a dependant calf with her and if she…